Maple Grove Fro-Yo Tasting, Take 1

7 May

Fro Yo Information: Take 1
(Yes, that was Nick that came up with that one.)

So in the last 3 months or so, we’ve noticed 3 new frozen yogurt stores have opened in Maple Grove. That would make a total count of 4 – if you include the frozen yogurt sold at Leann Chin’s. 🙂 Anywho – being as neither Nick or myself have ever been to one of these new-fangled frozen yogurt bar places (I think the last time I had frozen yogurt was at TCBY when I was like 10), we thought we’d give them all a try and find our favorite. Won’t you come along with us?

First up – Cherry Berry.

This place was a little harsh on the eyes at first. With mod, futuristic-type furniture in neon green and red, I was a little scared to go further. We parked in the back due to the set-up of the stores in that part of town – but walked to the front door…only to find that the proper way to start the yogurt process is to go to the back of the store. Kinda awkward. Anyway. One of the high school kids working there gave us some sample cups and showed us how to do this crazy thing. There were 14 yogurt flavor options ranging from vanilla to red velvet to espresso. As if those weren’t enough options, you could also do a blend of 2 each set of two flavors that were set-up next to each other. For instance, strawberry or cheesecake or combined. Then – there were the toppings…candy, nuts, syrups, and on and on and on. There must’ve been 12 options plus another station of candy and misc.

Nick and I both grabbed the smaller size of the cups and got right to it. I chose cheesecake and put crushed graham crackers on it (original, I know). Then got crazy and added some chocolate covered raisins. Nick did half of his cup with vanilla and half with strawberry yogurt and then added oreos and crunch coat to his vanilla and strawberry bobas (the bubble tea thingies) to his strawberry yogurt. We paid and sat down to have at it.

Fro yo is definitely a nice, different treat – but frankly, I’m not sure that all the toppings are my style. I’m just too plain Jane for that type of stuff. Nick likes trying different combos though – so he’s into it. It was also entertaining watching an 8-year-old try to decide what he wanted, so there’s that.

The best part of the trip for Nick was the crunch coat. He LOVES crunch coat. I often make fun of him because he orders his DQ ice cream cones with crunch coat – even though it’s not on the menu. It’s like a secret thing that only certain people know of. Weird.

The best part of the experience for me was running into an old college friend from Northwestern. I haven’t seen her since my days at NWC, but due to the wonders of FB – we both knew what we were both up to. Fun to see her and her husband though!

So the first MG fro-yo place is under our belts. Now on to the next…

Cherry Berry
ambiance: so-so
toppings: sufficient and comprehensive
flavor variety: extensive
customer service: OK
price: 45 cents/ounce

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